[REJECTED][Quest]Argent Tournament - Up To The Challenge[REJECTED]

[Quest] Fixed Argent Tournament - Up To The Challenge

This fixes:

Mastery Of Melee [H] http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13829[/B]

Mastery Of Melee [A] http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13828[/B]

Mastery Of The Charge [H] http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13839[/B]

Mastery Of The Charge [A] http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13837[/B]

Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker [H] http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13838[/B]

Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker [A] http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13835[/B]

-- Mastery of Melee

UPDATE `Creature_template` SET `ScriptName`='npc_training_dummy' WHERE `entry`=33229;

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `ReqSpellCast2`= 62544,`ReqCreatureOrGOId2`=33229 WHERE `entry`=13828;

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `ReqSpellCast2`= 62544,`ReqCreatureOrGOId2`=33229 WHERE `entry`=13829;

-- Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker

UPDATE `Creature_template` SET `ScriptName`='npc_training_dummy' WHERE `entry`=33243;

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `ReqSpellCast2`= 62575,`ReqCreatureOrGOId2`=33243 WHERE `entry`=13835;

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `ReqSpellCast2`= 62575,`ReqCreatureOrGOId2`=33243 WHERE `entry`=13838;

-- Mastery Of The Charge

UPDATE `Creature_template` SET `ScriptName`='npc_training_dummy' WHERE `entry`=33272;

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `ReqSpellCast2`= 62960,`ReqCreatureOrGOId2`=33272 WHERE `entry`=13837;

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `ReqSpellCast2`= 62960,`ReqCreatureOrGOId2`=33272 WHERE `entry`=13839;

Please take a look at http://www.trinitycore.org/f/index.php?/topic/58-wdb-fields/.

And next time use [sql ] instead of [code ] for SQL querys /emoticons/default_smile.png


Never (never) modify WDB fields; there’s always a better way (and correct) to fix stuff.

Thanks for trying (and I hope you do keep trying until you make it right /emoticons/default_wink.png )

Here is a hint for you:

mysql> select entry, title, reqspellcast2, reqcreatureorgoid2 from quest_template where entry=13828;


| entry | title            | reqspellcast2 | reqcreatureorgoid2 |


| 13828 | Mastery Of Melee |             0 |              33341 |


1 row in set (0.10 sec)

mysql> select entry, name from creature_template where entry=33341;


| entry | name                                                          |


| 33341 | [DND] Tournament - Mounted Melee - Target Dummy - Block Bunny |


1 row in set (0.04 sec)

That “target dummy / block bunny” needs a script to detect that spell hit and give quest credit. I am sure there is more to the quest though than just shooting the dummy /emoticons/default_smile.png

– Brian

see other topic in this section


Its nice to see you guys being so kind, and helpful with a topic you don’t agree on.
