[Script] Trial Of The Champion [Uses A Lot Of Incorrect Db Data, Very Hacky]

Hello there,

I’d like to share with you this beautiful script which is based on MadMan’s work, kinda improved.

The feel is 99% retail-like, but not based on sniff, so it cannot make it into trinity repo.

Only thing which is not complete are achievements, not hard to add through database or directly into these scripts, it’s based on you.


Again deleting c_t? that’s really incorrect, use only updates to change data.

Yes, as I said, this is more for a feeling than looking into database and saying “Wow! This is what official database looks like!” /emoticons/default_smile.png

this works?

Sure it works, except radiance (that spell needs scripting) and achievements. Small dents on flawless feeling /emoticons/default_smile.png

ok i have a sql error

[CODE][Err] 1265 - Data truncated for column ‘Health_mod’ at row 1

[Err] update creature_template set faction_A=‘1801’, faction_H=‘1801’, minlevel=‘80’, maxlevel=‘80’, mindmg=‘420’, maxdmg=‘630’, attackpower=‘157’, Health_mod=‘3,96825’, AIName=‘’ where entry in (‘35638’, ‘35635’, ‘35640’, ‘35641’, ‘35634’, ‘33324’, ‘33322’, ‘33320’, ‘33323’, ‘33321’);

[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully


For me it works OK… Except the fact I forgot to add delete before that “insert into vehicle_accessory…” Shouldn’t be problem.

Try Health_mod=‘3,96825’ → Health_mod=‘3.96825’

ok it works the sql file /emoticons/default_cool.png

the event not start (horde)

Try speaking with the announcer…

ahh ok the misc sounds missing ehmm the black knight despawnd too fast

implemented this:

[CODE]// Prevent corpse despawning

            if (TempSummon* summ = me->ToTempSummon())


Nice, thank you.

Can this be created as a patch file including the 2 fixes above. Easier to test/bug report.

No difference bitween files packed in tar and .patch file… You should only put it to source dir, rewrite CMakeLists.txt, load in ScriptLoader.cpp and compile.

You just mention the differences. In the patch file you just git apply, in the other you do all that you mention. If by any reason you wish to update then you need to do all that again, with the git apply it is just 1 thing.

So I have a little problem.I can’t see any NPC as normal player but everything works just fine with GM on . What can I do ?

BTW checking db data this is the same incorrect script added and rejected on googlecode tracker.

if there is something useful for TC repo so it will be good, because ToCh is one of the raids which is not working yet

works fine, except DK summon

thanks !!!

I search this for 30 days!

All work…Just some little bug in db data.

For example the box that spawn at the end of first 2 boss can’t be open (invalid Target).