Sehr sehr viele DBErrors (Master)

Hi Leute,

ich hoffe ihr könnt mir bei meinem Problem helfen.

Vorher erstmal ein paar Infos:

System : Ubuntu 16.04 Server

Core Version : TrinityCore rev. db1458291822 2017-08-27 14:59:18 +0200 (master branch) (Unix, Release, Static)

Eingesetzte Datenbank : TDB_full_720.00_2017_04_18

Clientversion: 7.2.5 (24742)

Alle Daten (dbc / maps / vmaps /mmaps / cameras / gt) importiert

client_patcher noch für Windows System kompiliert.

Server startet und Verbindung (über Windows Client) auf den Server mit angelegtem Account ist möglich.


Keine Quest wird angezeigt/kann angenommen werden / die KI macht nichts / scriptsequenzen werden nicht ausgeführt.

Mir fällt auf das viele Errors in die DBerror.log (kann sie leider nicht komplett anhängen weil sie durch einen Start bereits 1.3 MB hat deswegen folgen einige Ausschnitte) geschrieben werden und ich kann mir auch denken das es daran liegt.

Einige der sich wiederholenden Fehler sind:

Skill perfection data for spell 53928 has a non-existing spell id in the skill_perfect_item_template!
Table gossip_menu_option for MenuId 20018, OptionIndex 0 has unknown icon id 28. Replacing with GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT
Table gossip_menu_option for MenuId 20018, OptionIndex 2 has unknown icon id 28. Replacing with GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT
Table (game_event_)npc_vendor has maxcount (1) for item 23799 of vendor (Entry: 92932) but incrtime=0, ignore
Table (game_event_)npc_vendor has maxcount (1) for item 4382 of vendor (Entry: 93539) but incrtime=0, ignore
Table (game_event_)npc_vendor has maxcount (4) for item 4357 of vendor (Entry: 93539) but incrtime=0, ignore
creature_formations table leader guid 26233 incorrect (not exist)
creature_formations table leader guid 26233 incorrect (not exist)
[Condition SourceType: 13 (Spell Impl. Target), SourceGroup: 1, SourceEntry: 72850] SourceEntry in condition table does not exist in spell.dbc, ignoring.
[Condition SourceType: 13 (Spell Impl. Target), SourceGroup: 1, SourceEntry: 72851] SourceEntry in condition table does not exist in spell.dbc, ignoring.
[Condition SourceType: 13 (Spell Impl. Target), SourceGroup: 1, SourceEntry: 72852] SourceEntry in condition table does not exist in spell.dbc, ignoring.
[Condition SourceType: 15 (Gossip Menu Option), SourceGroup: 10723, SourceEntry: 1] Not handled grouped condition.
[Condition SourceType: 13 (Spell Impl. Target), SourceGroup: 1, SourceEntry: 5628] in condition table, has incorrect SourceGroup 1 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
Non-existing gameobject_template entry 0 was referenced in garrison_plot_finalize_info.allianceGameObjectId for garrPlotInstanceId 25.
Non-existing gameobject_template entry 0 was referenced in garrison_plot_finalize_info.allianceGameObjectId for garrPlotInstanceId 59.
Scriptname: spell_the_lich_king_summon_spirit_bomb spell (Id: 74341) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_the_lich_king_summon_spirit_bomb spell (Id: 74342) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_the_lich_king_summon_spirit_bomb spell (Id: 74343) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_halion_spawn_living_embers spell (Id: 75880) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_halion_blazing_aura spell (Id: 75887) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_hun_cobra_shot spell (Id: 77767) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_warl_demon_soul spell (Id: 77801) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_halion_twilight_cutter spell (Id: 77844) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_halion_twilight_cutter spell (Id: 77845) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_halion_twilight_cutter spell (Id: 77846) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_hun_ready_set_aim spell (Id: 82925) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_pal_sacred_shield spell (Id: 85285) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_earthrager_ptah_flame_bolt spell (Id: 89881) does not exist.
Scriptname: spell_stalactite_mod_dest_height spell (Id: 92309) does not exist.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
TSCR: DB table script_waypoint has waypoint for creature entry 17238, but creature does not have ScriptName defined and then useless.
Script named ‘spell_snufflenose_command’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘npc_mist’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘go_tele_to_violet_stand’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘go_toy_train_set’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_resilient_victory’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_control_all_nodes’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_save_the_day’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_ic_resource_glut’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_ic_glaive_grave’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_ic_mowed_down’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_sa_artillery’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_sickly_gazelle’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_everything_counts’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_av_perfection’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_arena_2v2_kills’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_arena_3v3_kills’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_arena_5v5_kills’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_bg_sa_defense_of_ancients’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named ‘achievement_tilted’ does not have a script name assigned in database.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38681, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 6 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38675, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 7 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
SmartAIMgr: Entry 2225800 SourceType 9 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 38679, skipped.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 33236 SourceType 0, Event 2, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 21460 SourceType 0, Event 1, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 41641 SourceType 0, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 18931 SourceType 0, Event 3, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 47600 SourceType 0, Event 0, Link Event 4 not found or invalid.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 25342 SourceType 0, Event 2, Link Event 3 not found or invalid.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 25342 SourceType 0, Event 4, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 25343 SourceType 0, Event 2, Link Event 3 not found or invalid.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 25343 SourceType 0, Event 4, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 47250 SourceType 0, Event 0, Link Event 1 not found or invalid.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 17702 SourceType 0, Event 1, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 17702 SourceType 0, Event 3, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 17725 SourceType 0, Event 3, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 20635 SourceType 0, Event 2, Link Event 3 not found or invalid.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 20635 SourceType 0, Event 4, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 21861 SourceType 0, Event 1, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 21861 SourceType 0, Event 3, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 21861 SourceType 0, Event 5, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.
SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Entry 21861 SourceType 0, Event 7, Link Source Event not found or invalid. Event will never trigger.

usw.... (ja ich weis bei so viel Fehlern (DBError.log hat durch einen Start über 14.000 Zeilen) ist klar das hier mehr als was defekt ist aber ich weis einfach nicht weiter...)

[SIZE=22px]Unternommene Lösungsversuche:[/SIZE]

Ich habe schon mehrmals den Core neu kompiliert jedoch ohne Besserung
DB komplett gelöscht und neu erstellen lassen (mit TDB_full_720.00_2017_04_18 im Binaries Verzeichnis )

Ich hoffe wirklich jemand kann mir helfen oder einen Tipp geben die mir dabei weiter helfen 

Vielen Dank bereits für Antworten

Ich habe das so ähnlich. Scheint normal zu sein und man soll sich selbst darum kümmern:

Github Ticket: [ 21688 ]

Bei dem Repack AshamaneCore ist schon viel mehr drinn, aber die Source hängt hinterher und es fehlen bzw funktionieren dennoch einige sachen nicht.

Ich werde vllt selbst nen Repack aufmachen wenn ich nichts ordentliches finde. Wenn du auch interesse an soetwas hast schreib ne PN oder hier drunter.