[SOLVED]? about branches on github

Hello all, it’s been awhile since I was last here.

I went to pull 3.3.5a from the repository and noticed 3.3.5 & 3.3.5-auctionhouse.

Both of these are full 3.3.5a servers? Only one has the auctionhouse bot in it I’m guessing?

And if that is the case is 3.3.5-auctionhouse updated to match the 3.3.5 timestamp? I mean the last time 3.3.5-auctionhouse was updated according to Git was about 9 months ago, and 3.3.5 was updated today.

No, the auctionhouse branch has some ah backend changes, not related to any functionality, both of them have the bot

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed.
Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread.
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