[SOLVED]Please start a 2.4.3 Repo

I’ll gladly give some of my hackfixes for TBC if you guys fork MaNGOS and make TC One active again.

We started one and it didnt get enough support. We started working on the project by helping with reverse engineering some of the code from wrath so that authserver would be compatible with the TC branches.


It hasn’t been touched in 3 years

There’s a huge TBC craze oging on right now. I 'd suggest trying again. Starting from MaNGOS as a codebase rather than backporting IMO

I wouldn’t use Mangos, only due to TC 335a having the most updated quests (data wise), and from there a dev would just negate those particular quests. However, getting some calls with talents, etc… we could get from mangos.

There’s always been an audience for any expansion :wink:

So let’s do it. Let’s start a real TrinityCore One :smiley:

You can request access from the owner. Unfortunately, real life gets in the way for most of us.


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It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed.
Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread.
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