[SOLVED]SOLVED - error opening casc storage

Please assist.

Trying to extract maps using tools on current clone from yesterday, did CMAKE With tools compiled in Visual Studio. When I try to extract maps, I receive these errors.

I have tried on Warmane LK Client, a Few Torrent Clients, Wow-Mania Client, Fileplanets, and More. Over 80gb of clients tried.

Can someone please throw me a bone here. Windows 7.

Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND

error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale enUS
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale koKR
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale frFR
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale deDE
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale zhCN
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale zhTW
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale esES
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale esMX
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale ruRU
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale ptBR
Error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’: FILE_NOT_FOUND
error opening casc storage ‘D:/WowLK\Data’ locale itIT
No locales detected


It would certainly help you to stop trying to use tools designed for legion client on wotlk client.

Build extractors from 3.3.5 branch, not master

I have only downloaded the 3.3.5 branch.

Back on Github, you have me worried now that the 2nd time I cloned it I used the Master branch. /Facepalm. I am going to try again, ensuring I am on the 3.3.5 Branch. Thank you.

Kudos to Shauren - Solved

Thank you for helping me realize my mistake. /Facepalm

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It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed.
Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread.
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