Hallo zusammen,
hab da wieder ein kleines Problem (Sry bin noch net so gut damit vertraut)
Erstma dat Problem:
Loaded 2462 C++ scripts in 73 ms
Validating spell scripts…
EffectIndex: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226
of scriptspell_dk_death_and_decay
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnEffectPeriodic
of AuraScript won’t be executed
EffectIndex: EFFECT_1 Name: 77
of scriptspell_gen_clone
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnEffectHitTarget
of SpellScript won’t be executed
EffectIndex: EFFECT_1 Name: 77
of scriptspell_dk_raise_dead
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnEffectHitTarget
of SpellScript won’t be executed
EffectIndex: EFFECT_2 Name: 3
of scriptspell_dk_raise_dead
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnEffectHitTarget
of SpellScript won’t be executed
EffectIndex: EFFECT_1 Target: 8
of scriptspell_dk_raise_dead
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnObjectAreaTargetSelect
of SpellScript won’t be executed
EffectIndex: EFFECT_2 Target: 1
of scriptspell_dk_raise_dead
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnObjectTargetSelect
of SpellScript won’t be executed
did not pass Validate() function of scriptspell_dk_raise_dead
- script will be not added to the spell
did not pass Validate() function of scriptspell_dk_pestilence
- script will be not added to the spell
EffectIndex: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56
of scriptspell_gen_replenishment
did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hookOnObjectAreaTargetSelect
of SpellScript won’t be executed
mir gehts erstma nur um den Dk Spell “43265”…
hab mir C++ Script angesehen da stand zu dem Spell die ID : 52212 statt der 43265 …mal geändert, bringt auch nichts…(Spell.dbc is mir ein Rätsel)
nun zu der Frage…lol
Wo könnte der Fehler Liegen Server Script, DBC oder DB…?
Hoffe jemand kann mir helfen, danke schonmal
Der Spell geht an sich ingame, nur macht der NULL Damage, und NULL Agro