Tables data type optimization

After digging up a bit I found that:

[ul][li]charges longest string is “-1 -1 -1 -1 -1” (15 characters). Therefore it’s useless to keep it as a text.[/li]
[li]my enchantments longest string is "3854 0 0 3620 1544473 0 3559 0 0 3559 0 0 3559 0 0 3753 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " (96 chars). Useless to keep it text.[/li]
[li]my text longest string is [/li][SPOILER]“Dear $N,$B$BTales of your recent performance in the Trial of the Grand Crusader will be told,and retold,for ages to come. As the Argent Crusade issued its call for the greatest champions of Azeroth to test their mettle in the crucible of the Coliseum,I hoped against hope that beacons of light such as you and your companions might emerge from the fray.$B$BWe will need you direly in the coming battle against the Lich King. But on this day,rejoice and celebrate your glorious accomplishment and accept this gift of one of our very finest warhorses. When the Scourge see its banner looming on the horizon,hero,their end shall be nigh!$B$BYours with Honor,$BTirion Fordring”

[/SPOILER](672 chars).


Considering that:

Varchar is for 255 chars max (it’s useless to use it for higher values) and requires L+1 bytes for each row

Text is for 65536 chars max and requires L+2 bytes for each row

Longtext is for 4294967296 characters max and requires L+4 bytes for each row

(where L is the string length)

I suggest this edit:

ALTER TABLE `item_instance` CHANGE `charges` `charges` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `enchantments` `enchantments` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `text` `text` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;[/sql]
It saved up to 400mb on that single table (26% of its size)


For data type size:

To check what’s the longest string I used this query:

[sql]SELECT data_column FROM item_instance WHERE LENGTH(TRIM(data_column)) = (SELECT MAX(LENGTH(TRIM(data_column))) FROM item_instance)
where data_column was: charges, enchantments and text

(672 chars).

[/SPOILER]just because we currently for enchantments not use every slot yet (see the 0’s) doesnt mean that they cannot contain the full 5-6 digit number, therefor its better to keep it as text

Same for the “text” string, that 672 chars is NOT the longest possible, its just the currently shortest in use. if you wish to “suboptimize” your own db by changing the type to that then its fine…

You may be right about the enchantments, but do you really think that the text will ever go over 65k chars?

//EDIT: oh and btw, the major (300mb) change came from the charges

I’ll be covering that in my just started roundhouse kick through the char db data types.