hey guys i wanna make a multichoice taxi with teleports, vendor, trainer etc. and if possible i will make a item that nearly equal to. the problem is that im totally new at coding and have just got my own wow local server up running so im totally blank. if any1 would know how i would also like help for a vip system (private message me about that , thats extra) but i would appreciate any help of any quality /emoticons/default_biggrin.png so thanks
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I suggest taking a look at the wiki here:
Which has this nice world database section:
The world database contains tables that you can use to make gossip menus and what you just said.
Take a look at the documentation and examples of:
creature_template (especially see npcflags (1) and gossip_menu_id)
gossip_menu (header text for gossip)
gossip_menu_option (Gossip options to click that do things like execute scripts and show vendor and trainer. Especially see the existing rows where menu_id = 0)
smart_scripts (teleport)
npc_vendor (vendor)
npc_trainer (trainer)
However, you can not add this to an item without a core modification.
Such as: http://rochet2.github.io/?page=Player_and_Item_Gossip