TrinityCore and Telegram integration

I (and a lot of people) love Telegram, their open API allows us to do a lot of things, for example:

or you can change your restarter to send you restart message / crashlogs into telegram:


cp version version.old
cp backtrace.log +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.log

./worldserver -v > version

fichero=$(cat version)
fichero_crash=$(cat version.old)

[[ $(find backtrace.log -type f -size +9000c 2>/dev/null) ]] && curl -sSF chat_id=“CHANGEME” -F document=@“backtrace.log” -F caption=“crash “+$fichero_crash+date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S || curl -sSF chat_id=”-372252856” -F text=“Servidor reiniciado”$fichero

screen -A -m -d -S tri_world gdb -x crasreport.gdb ./worldserver

I was thinking, a cool idea can be send messages from certain ingame channel into telegram group / supergroup, i have the theory of it must be easy (since we already have loggers, we may attach telegram code on same place and send that to telegram (super)group).

maybe this with can do my idea.

I like this idea. Being new to TrinityCore (have been using cMangos for over a year now), I am excited about the possibilities. I read the GitHub main page for Telegram, and only some of the in-game GM commands are supported, no?

You speak of a restarter - I had my Windows server restart after an error in cMangos, and I am hoping I can replicate this in TC (master).

I like this, Telegram is the best chat client!

What can I say?

I love you @Aokromes ❤️

For any problem just open an issue on that repository and I will update/help you to install the Telegram Bot.

not exactly trinitycore, but it can help to monitorize your server status.

The following is a better version of the telegram bot for wow server emulation.

It is serverless and written in PHP.