Trinitycore with Docker-Compose

Hey guys, I hope this is the right forum for this topic.

As I stated here, I came up with a (yet another) Docker-Solution for Trinitycore. Mine uses Docker-Compose to bundle mysql with Trinitycore and make things more simple in general.

I automated what I could and think it is fairly easy to use now. If you want to just fire up Trinitycore, it will just take 2-3 steps to get there, as described in the readme.


Feedback and Pull-requests welcome!

PS: I’m currently on a worldtrip and only have my laptop with me, so building the core takes about 4 hours for me, what makes testing pretty nerve-racking. I’ll have stable internet until Sunday and will be back at my workstation in August. So please do not wonder about long response-times :slight_smile: