Triple damage of a spell (Ice Lance)

Hola guys, i am a rookie but would like to learn a bit on spells. In this case “Ice Lance” it “works” but i cant handle triple damage on frozen target.

// Ice Lance - 30455
class spell_mage_ice_lance : public SpellScriptLoader
spell_mage_ice_lance() : SpellScriptLoader(“spell_mage_ice_lance”) { }

class spell_mage_ice_lance_SpellScript : public SpellScript

    bool Validate(SpellInfo const* /*spellInfo*/) override
            return ValidateSpellInfo
                SPELL_MAGE_ICE_LANCE,        // 30455
                SPELL_MAGE_ICE_LANCE_TRIGGER // 228598

    void HandleOnHit(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
            Unit* caster = GetCaster();
            Unit* target = GetHitUnit();
            if (!caster && !target)

        caster->CastSpell(target, SPELL_MAGE_ICE_LANCE_TRIGGER, true);

        // TODO damage x 3 on frozen target
            int32 damage = GetHitDamage();
            /if(target->HasAuraState(AURA_STATE_FROZEN)) {
                damage = damage * 3;

    void Register() override
            OnEffectHitTarget += SpellEffectFn(spell_mage_ice_lance_SpellScript::HandleOnHit, EFFECT_0, SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT);

I cant understand how to do triple the damage:

if i use SetHitDamage( GetHitDamage()*3 ) i always deal only GetHitDamage()
if i use SetHitDamage( GetHitDamage() + 1000 ); i deal two damage numbers, the spell’s base one and another number of 1000 damage
if i use SetHitDamage( 4000 ); i deal exactly 4000 damage as i expect

Any tips? Thanks!