VS2010 Script Filters

Correct Filters For the Script projects

only for Visual Studio 2010

download, extract and overwrite in yourbuilddir/src/server/scripts (aka your cmake dir)


It’s probably better to do that with CMake… SOURCE_GROUP()

Here’s my solution, works on every VisualStudio


Click said the cmake team was supposed to be fixing some things to make this work better than just using SOURCE_GROUP, but, I don’t know what the current state is…

@paradox: Not yet implemented… sighs

Do you also got this for the game project?

http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/6401-cmake-for-beautiful-source-tree-in-visual-studio does this for all the projects in the solution (in the “proper” way)

Not needed anymore since https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/ed4722b6e6314e9dce920fe90138dc714c734251.