Hey guys,

I am not sure how many people remember me, but I am the developer of the original TrinityManager (and took over development of MiniManager from the original developer). I have been gone for a long time, mostly real life stuff that’s been affecting me.

I have been considering re-doing TrinityManager as a Web Application/CMS that can be installed alongside TrinityCore, that allows server operators to host a website for account registration, management, etc.

The original TrinityManager was stopped because there wasn’t a big interest in the project at the time, but if that interest is there now, or I can get enough people to support me (and some to potentially help with development), then I will gladly kick the dust off the old system and re-invent TrinityManager.

I apologize guys, I realized this is in the WRONG section. Could a forum moderator please move this to the tools and utilities forum? I am not sure how this got placed here.

I think a full CMS for TrinityCore would be great. I’d be glad to help with development, just let me know if you decide to go through with it.

I’ve been out of the loop with TC for a while, so I don’t know if there are any “competing” CMS out there already.

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Hi guys, I’m new in the forum and just installed Trinity. I’ve been browsing private servers’ websites online and they have sites (that kinda look alike from each other) with a lot of info and images of the quests, npcs etc. So i’m assuming this is what you call a CMS, is there a place i should be looking in order to get my hands on one? Also, a long time ago i was using Mangos and i remember i managed to install one of those CMS sites that also had a page where you could see the location of connected users on top of a map almost in real time (reload). Does something like that exist for TC? how can i find it?
