wiki page has errors

something is wrong with the wiki page, none of the code blocks are showing up in the installation instructions.


new error on wiki:

Navitabs License Missing

There is a problem with the license of the Navitabs addon. Please check if you have a valid license.

yeah the plugin we used for the tabs etc changed licensing on us so I need to secure a new licenses. fixed for now tho. check it out and let me know. I checked on and saw no errors.

There are still errors with codeblocks.

The code blocks for config file and the sql statement are shown only as a line of dotes.

If you open the page in edit mode you can see the source well.

i wonder which plugin that is… ok checking.

still have a malfunction in the wiki, the codeblocks that show what to type in linux/osx are showing up a lines of ~~~~~ for some reason. im using firefox. i can check on chrome as well if necessary.

Error 502 Ray ID: 2449fed87090180a • 2015-11-13 11:04:25 UTC

	Bad gateway

Since yesterday the website is down... happens something?

Error 502 Ray ID: 2449fed87090180a • 2015-11-13 11:04:25 UTC

	Bad gateway

Since yesterday the website is down... happens something?