[Wip] A Friendly Chat... (24576, 24657)

The fix works but I get an error msg: Request to send non-existing POI (Id: 1701995894), ignored.

– A Friendly Chat… (24576, 24657) wip fix by nelegalno
– Snivel Rustrocket set gossip flag
UPDATE creature_template SET npcflag = 1, AIName=‘SmartAI’ WHERE entry = 37715;

– Quest credit SAI
DELETE FROM smart_scripts WHERE (entryorguid=37715 AND source_type=0);
INSERT INTO smart_scripts (entryorguid,source_type,id,link,event_type,event_phase_mask,event_chance,event_flags,event_param1,event_param2,event_param3,event_param4,action_type,action_param1,action_param2,action_param3,action_param4,action_param5,action_param6,target_type,target_param1,target_param2,target_param3,target_x,target_y,target_z,target_o,comment) VALUES
(37715,0,0,0,62,0,100,0,10946,0,0,0,11,70646,2,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, “Snivel Rustrocket - on gosip 10947 - cast Love - Create Snivel’s Ledger”);

– Gossip option conditions
DELETE FROM conditions WHERE (SourceTypeOrReferenceId=15 AND SourceGroup=10929);
INSERT INTO conditions (SourceTypeOrReferenceId,SourceGroup,SourceEntry,ElseGroup,ConditionTypeOrReference,ConditionValue1,ConditionValue2,ConditionValue3,ErrorTextId,ScriptName,Comment) VALUES
(15,10929,0,0,9,24576,0,0,0,‘’,‘Show gossip only if plaer have A Friendly Chat… Horde quest’),
(15,10929,0,1,9,24657,0,0,0,‘’,‘Show gossip only if plaer have A Friendly Chat… Alliance quest’);


P.S. Can someone sniff the NPC or help with the error?

I actually made the exact same fix today.

Worked perfectly for me, now the only thing I found in your code that was different than mine were the conditions.

Here’s what I used:

(15,0,10929,9,0,24576,0,0,0,'Only show first gossip if player is on quest A Friendly Chat H'), (15,0,10929,9,0,24657,0,0,0,'Only show first Gossip if player is on quest A Friendly Chat A'); [/SQL]

That was written before the recent changes to the conditions syntax. Are you certain that this works for both Alliance and Horde players? If not you’ll have to change it to:

(15,0,10929,9,0,24576,0,0,0,'Only show first gossip if player is on quest A Friendly Chat H'), (15,0,10929,9,1,24657,0,0,0,'Only show first Gossip if player is on quest A Friendly Chat A'); [/SQL]

P.S. Can you also check your DBErrors.log file for the error I reported?

This error comes from table quest_poi or quest_poi_points. Is this fixed now or? I once met such when I was trying to figure some blizzard mechanic on old quests.

My bad: I think now work for the two factions.

Works in rev: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/0a9e58c2cc10161cfe9908f8087731e2732f8ba3