As many of you know I have been working on Zul’Gurub for quite some time now. I never expected it to take this long, to be honest… x)
Please note and remember I am posting it here so people will actually look at it and consider taking action. I posted the Jin’do patch at the tracker and I bet nobody even looked at it.
Note! Everything striked out is already pushed to github.
EAI to SAI for trash - COMPLETE (and missing stuff, only half of the trash had EAI)
Some missing quest texts - COMPLETE
Random Yojamba Isle stuff and some work towards the elites outside Zul’Gurub, including SAI for the rare spawn - COMPLETE
Zul’Gurub pathing and related. - COMPLETE
Zanza the Restless now offers a story to exalted people - COMPLETE
Gossips at Yojamba Isle - COMPLETE
Gahz’ranka stuff - COMPLETE
Pathing I forgot and corrections - COMPLETE
Deadliest Catch achievement - COMPLETE
C++ Jin’do the Hexxer - COMPLETE
SQL Jin’do the Hexxer - COMPLETE
script_texts > creature_text
Someone else must do the core part. I am not able to at the moment.
Some work on Heart of Hakkar completion (quest script)
<removed, not ready yet>
Stuff that needs works or I can’t get to work:
There’s a conversation at Yojamba Isle which I came across. I have never done anything even like this before but I tried. /emoticons/default_wink.png Here’s a start of what I made, if someone could finish it for me I’d appreciate it a lot!