

As many of you know I have been working on Zul’Gurub for quite some time now. I never expected it to take this long, to be honest… x)

Please note and remember I am posting it here so people will actually look at it and consider taking action. I posted the Jin’do patch at the tracker and I bet nobody even looked at it.

Note! Everything striked out is already pushed to github.

EAI to SAI for trash - COMPLETE (and missing stuff, only half of the trash had EAI)


Some missing quest texts - COMPLETE


Random Yojamba Isle stuff and some work towards the elites outside Zul’Gurub, including SAI for the rare spawn - COMPLETE


Zul’Gurub pathing and related. - COMPLETE


Zanza the Restless now offers a story to exalted people - COMPLETE


Gossips at Yojamba Isle - COMPLETE


Gahz’ranka stuff - COMPLETE


Pathing I forgot and corrections - COMPLETE


Deadliest Catch achievement - COMPLETE


C++ Jin’do the Hexxer - COMPLETE


SQL Jin’do the Hexxer - COMPLETE


script_texts > creature_text

Someone else must do the core part. I am not able to at the moment.


Some work on Heart of Hakkar completion (quest script)

<removed, not ready yet>

Stuff that needs works or I can’t get to work:

There’s a conversation at Yojamba Isle which I came across. I have never done anything even like this before but I tried. /emoticons/default_wink.png Here’s a start of what I made, if someone could finish it for me I’d appreciate it a lot!


Nice work /emoticons/default_smile.png

Also, please keep in mind this is pretty much unfinished. I have a huge SQL laying around here which needs some extra work. /emoticons/default_smile.png


share the huge sql and mark what needs atention/cleanup, ppl might be able to assist


It’s gossips for when losing items from quests at Yojamba Isle. I told you it was huge. =/

What I need is more conditions. Basically when you completed a quest for the necklace of your class and lose the item, the conditions are met (you don’t have the item AND completed quest) so it shows the gossip. Now I need to make it so that if you already have the upgrade obtained once, the older (and worse) versions of the necklace won’t show up.

I think I’m on the right way with this, just need some extra work. /emoticons/default_smile.png

What doesn’t work on the Bat Rider SAI? As for making it be different in that particular encounter, you can use phases I guess. Make all the spells used when engaged “normally” phase 1, and make then the other version with phase 2.

And for this:

"Now I need to make it so that if you already have the upgrade obtained once, the older (and worse) versions of the necklace won’t show up.

I think I’m on the right way with this, just need some extra work."

What if you add to the condition group another condition being, must not have quest completed (whatever Q you need for the next item in the series), that way I think that if you already upgraded that item once, the lower tier version won’t show up anymore.

Thanks for the reply.

For some reason the stuff he should cast at 50% (and the emote line) does never happen. The mob should cast it, and when cast ends it kills the mob. /emoticons/default_wink.png

I have never worked with phases before. It’s more than that, I am afraid. It is also untargetable, unattackable and unsummons in script. =/ But on the other hand it’s just a normal trash mob. /emoticons/default_sleep.png

I encountered the same problem while doing SAI, exactly the same : P I wanted a mob to cast something at 50% hp and also emote, but it reaches 50% and nothing ever happens. I posted about it on the SAI questions thread, maybe Malcrom or someone else knows whats wrong with that.

Btw check my edit on the last post for the gossip part.

You’re welcome!

Ah yeah, sorry.

A BIG thanks goes to Nay for helping me out with a lot of things. Like… really… a lot.


I will look into the gossip conditions later, I’m not really in the mood right now. (quite tired after so much work towards them…)

And yeah, I also got some trouble with ‘Gurubashi’ to cast Will of Hakkar. I heard several times that SAI doesn’t cast some spells. =/

As much as you sit in #trinity and bug everyone and their mother to “help” you, you credit no one, except nay, but, only after he prompts you…? I’m glad i didn’t give you any help.

You’re glad because you didn’t help me? It’s not like you would ever help at all, get out of this thread.


Also just removed column ScriptName from conditions, I forgot it was removed.

amg :V

good work, I don’t know how you can do such big steps, my brain stops working after 10-15 lines of code.

When was that?

Did a pretty big update to the main SAI for trash. Added lots of missing texts, a few typos in comments, fixed some id values and a big bunch of missing spells.

Also added an untested gossip menu for Zanza the Restless.

Only one big problem left which I just can’t find out. Is it possible to make it so that if player has completed quest 8048, do never show gossips x, x, x anymore?

Oh oops. I made a small mistake and removed it from the wiki as well. Added it back now. /emoticons/default_smile.png

I will keep it out of my script though, it’s of no use and is not missed.


Yeah, spoke with Nay about it and he redirected me to that as well. Will look into it as soon as I get time! =)

– Razzashi Adder SAI

I think there is a typo there, it says 110000 on the second line, I guess its 11000? : P

That’s the exact reason I posted this thread. Thanks a lot, fixed. /emoticons/default_smile.png

I think I bugged this on my last ‘update’, because first time I tested it worked fine.


Two commits containing five of the spoilers in the main post are now on github!




Pretty big update. /emoticons/default_smile.png