[Patch] Telenpc3, PvPranks, Passive Anticheat For Trinitycore ( 2018-01-08 274dede 3.5a ) ONLY)

TY very much,

i was rly looking for these files /emoticons/default_smile.png

Not sure if I missed something here…

Pulled AH Bot via git, applied patch, rebuilt the solution. No errors, so all is well…

Configured AH bot, added ID and GUID for AH Bot char, and loaded the worldserver. Server crashes with:

Initialize AuctionHouseBot…

SQL: SELECT minitems FROM auctionhousebot WHERE auctionhous

ERROR: [1146] Table ‘characters.auctionhousebot’ doesn’t exist.

Unhandled MySQL errno 1146. Unexpected behaviour possible.

So is there a SQL file I’m missing somewhere?

Self explanatory and you already realised what’s missing… there’s even a readme file that tells you what to do…

OMG I’m such a dink…

Anyway. ran the SQL and it came up with an error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘insert into auctionhousebot(auctionhouse,name,minitems,maxitems,`perc’ at line 69

But this looks right from what I can see:

[CODE]INSERT INTO auctionhousebot(auctionhouse,name,minitems,maxitems,percentgreytradegoods,percentwhitetradegoods,percentgreentradegoods,percentbluetradegoods,percentpurpletradegoods,percentorangetradegoods,percentyellowtradegoods,percentgreyitems,percentwhiteitems,percentgreenitems,percentblueitems,percentpurpleitems,percentorangeitems,percentyellowitems,minpricegrey,maxpricegrey,minpricewhite,maxpricewhite,minpricegreen,maxpricegreen,minpriceblue,maxpriceblue,minpricepurple,maxpricepurple,minpriceorange,maxpriceorange,minpriceyellow,maxpriceyellow,minbidpricegrey,maxbidpricegrey,minbidpricewhite,maxbidpricewhite,minbidpricegreen,maxbidpricegreen,minbidpriceblue,maxbidpriceblue,minbidpricepurple,maxbidpricepurple,minbidpriceorange,maxbidpriceorange,minbidpriceyellow,maxbidpriceyellow,maxstackgrey,maxstackwhite,maxstackgreen,maxstackblue,maxstackpurple,maxstackorange,maxstackyellow,buyerpricegrey,buyerpricewhite,buyerpricegreen,buyerpriceblue,buyerpricepurple,buyerpriceorange,buyerpriceyellow,buyerbiddinginterval,buyerbidsperinterval) VALUES




Anyone lend a spare pair of eyes to assist these tired old ones?

I had the same problem. I don’t know why, but I had to split the two commands into separate files and run them one at a time.

My Auctionhosuebot does not work, running in Debug Mode nur errors “Ahbot succesfully loaded”.

Need help please.

I’m running into an AppCrash in release AND debug on worldserver.exe after compile… I’m trying to figure it out as we speak

Aokromes, the vehicle you mentioned on Fordragon Hold is the Fordragon Battle Steed?


im getting :

error: patch failed: src/server/game/World/World.h:712

error: src/server/game/World/World.h: patch does not apply

at rev 11010

I am not a wizard, with what patch also what other patches?

i use

git apply e:\telenpc2.patch (0001-Telenpc2.patch I changed the name of the file telenpc2.patch, and on the E drive)

But the prompt:

fatal:git apply :bad git-diff-expected /dev/null on line 26

what’s wrong?help!


Only with WG Patch, AC1 patch run fine.

You see Wintergrasp on the title of this topic?

where must patches be copied, here /build/src/server/scripts/ ?

Patches have to been applyed to the source using git.

git apply PATCH_PATH

There is a bug, when you use mind control on some one, AC1 kicks you from the server.

can someone describe what the flag and data in the TELENPC2 is for???

i am trying for 3 days now to patch my sources with ahbot, and always fail.

What i am doing is this:

# Move to sources dir

cd sources

# Revert the trinitycore repository

hg revert --no-backup --all

# Update to last version

hg pull -u

# Move to patches dir

cd ../patches

# Update patches

git clone https://github.com/thedevnull/thedevnull-patches.git

# Apply patch i want

cd ../sources

git apply ../patches/thedevnull-patches/11064-independent/0001-ahbot.patch

git apply ../patches/thedevnull-patches/11064-independent/0001-ahbot_glyphs.patch

# Create bin folder and move inside it

mkdir -p bin

cd bin

# Start compile

export CXXFLAGS="-O3"

export CFLAGS="-O3"

cmake ../ -DSCRIPTS=1 -DSERVERS=1 -DPREFIX=/opt/trinity

make -j4

And don’t know why it doesn’t compile!

Any help here please?


TeleNPC can now also be found as NON C++ Patch =>


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